Welcome to our new website
Winchester Fitness and Sports Club for sociable and competitive sports and activities.
Winchester Fitness and Sports Club for sociable and competitive sports and activities.
Winchester Fitness and Sports Club
Please always check the club website at Winchester Fitness and Sports Club for all current and new club information.
For the benefit of new and existing members, we have added to the website a simplified guide to the Everyone Active online booking system to help you find where your activities are and how to book them.
We are also adding an updated schedule of club activities to the website to clarify what is available, when and where.
W.F.S.C. member registration into the EA booking system.
EA have double checked their records against the latest WFSC membership lists and confirmed all members should now be in the EA system. Please report any remaining individual discrepancies directly to EA reception showing your membership card.
WFSC exclusive access to WFSC classes and activities.
EA management have confirmed that only WFSC members should have booking or attendance access to WFSC classes or activities and are investigating any possible conflicts or contradictions within their systems. We will continue to monitor this situation and may insist that instructors should request to see WFSC membership cards at each class, so on this basis members should carry their WFSC current cards with them.
Short tennis coaching in January.
Those WFSC members who have confirmed their interest for the January coaching classes will be contacted individually to confirm dates and times for them to attend. The list for the January coaching is now closed but further classes in the future may be considered subject to member interest.
Pilates class time change.
As of the 9th January 2025 the Thursday Fit and Sport Pilates will be starting at 10.20 rather than 10.00 because the regular instructor will be off for a period of time due to a knee operation.
Winchester Fitness and Sports Club is primarily based at Winchester Sport and Leisure Park, with bowls (indoor and outdoor) and lawn tennis taking place on the River Park site. The club is for persons 50 years old and over and it provides a wide range of sporting activities and social events for people of all abilities. We encourage a welcoming environment to provide exercise for persons of all abilities.
The club uses facilities provided by Everyone Active at the Winchester Sports and Leisure Park, lawn tennis at the Winchester City Council's courts at River Park and bowls at Hyde Abbey Bowls Club (summer) and Riverside Bowls Club (winter)
At Winchester Fitness and Sports Club we offer mix-in sessions for the racket sports, and instructor led classes for activities such as Aquacise, Chair Yoga, Forever Fit, Tai Chi and Yoga. Our instructors are employed by Everyone Active and are all appropriately qualified. We also have access to swimming and gym sessions.
We aim to have fun in everything we do.
Join Winchester Fitness and Sports Club Sports Club for a fun and active experience. We offer a wide range of sports and activities for those 50 and over and all skill levels:
Chair Yoga
Forever Fit
Lawn Tennis
Racketball / squash
Short tennis
Table Tennis
Tai Chi
Please speak to one of the committee members:
Mike Thomas (Chair)
Karen Hart (Secretary) secretary@wfsclub.org.uk
Hilary Walton (Membership Secretary) membershipwfsclub@gmail.com
Tony Cantelo (Vice Chair) wfsclub.ea@gmail.com
Penny Holder (Treasurer)
Michael Morris wfsclub.ea@gmail.com
Meeta Pandy
Adrian Reeves
Trish Turnbull
Sandra Waterman
50 / 45 minute session - Tuesdays 11.45 - 12.35 and Thursdays 13.00 - 13.45
55 minute session - Tuesdays 10.50 - 11.45
45 minute session - Tuesdays 10.00 - 10.45
55 minute session - Thursdays 10.00 - 10.55
45 minute session - Tuesdays 11.00 - 11.45.
We're trying our best to get it reinstated.
55 minute session - Thursdays 12.40 - 13.35
55 minute session - Thursdays 11.30 - 12.25
Badminton, racketball / squash, short tennis, table tennis - Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00 - 13.00; short tennis only Fridays 10.00 - 12.00
55 minute session - Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10.00 - 13.00
55 minute session - Tuesdays and Thursdays 10.00 - 13.00
2 hour mix-in session on Mondays and Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.00 (using Winchester City Council's Love Tennis Card £39.00 for a year (per family))
Contact davekemp89@gmail.com for further information
Contact contact davekemp89@gmail.com for further information
1. The club shall be known as ‘The Winchester Fitness and Sports Club’.
2. A committee consisting of the Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and eight members, all elected at an Annual General Meeting shall manage the club. The committee shall appoint a committee member as Vice Chairperson. Additional members may be co-opted to the committee to avoid its total number falling below eight.
3. The Club’s financial year shall end on 30th September.
4. An Annual General Meeting shall be held in November. The quorum for this shall be a minimum of 20 members.
5. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened at the written request to the Committee or of not less than 20 members.
6. The committee shall arrange procedures and guidelines for the implementation of the Constitution.
7. The Constitution may only be altered by a majority approval at a General Meeting.
1. NUMBERS. The number of members paying subscriptions shall not exceed 600, except at the discretion of the Membership Secretary with the approval of the Club Committee can accept extra members over the 600 limit on condition that the extra members are not considered to represent a capacity overloading of any of the available WFSC classes or activities.
2. Any person over the age of 50 may become a member of the club subject to:
a) any limitations or restrictions that the committee may impose
b) the right of the committee to refuse or to terminate the membership of any person whose conduct is deemed to be unacceptable, or who is found to have not accessed any Club facilities for over one year
3. NEW MEMBERS. Shall be accepted at any time, with priority being given to partners of existing members and past members wishing to rejoin.
4. The club membership year shall commence on 1st October.
5. Members shall pay an annual subscription approved at the Annual General Meeting. This subscription shall become due immediately after 1st October. New members shall pay their membership subscription on gaining membership. Membership fees will be collected by the Club Membership Secretary on behalf of the club and paid into the club’s bank account at least monthly.
6. Members shall pay Everyone Active for each session they attend at River Park Leisure Centre or its successor at Winchester Leisure Park,, except
a) The three officers of the club, and
b) The Membership Secretary.
7. HONORARY MEMBERSHIP may be given to members deemed by the committee to have given outstanding service to the club. They are not required to pay an annual subscription nor pay an entrance fee to the Leisure Centre. Their number shall not exceed six active members.
1. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Members are to be advised of the date and agenda of any General Meeting by a notice displayed on the club’s website not less than three weeks before the meeting. A copy will be emailed to all members who have supplied an email address out of courtesy; the notice on the club’s website shall be deemed to be the official version. No other notice to members will be given.
2. VOTING PROCEDURE. Only members attending a meeting may vote. Following a seconded proposal voting shall be by a majority show of hands.
3. COMMITTEE ELECTION PROCEDURE. Committee members are normally elected at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for election to the committee are to be invited from members by a notice on the club’s website not less than three weeks before the meeting. When nominations match vacancies the Chairperson of the meeting may accept a seconded proposal to vote for their collective election. If there is more than one nomination for any of the three officers and/or more than eight nominations for the other members the elections(s) shall be decided by ballot. In the event of a ballot the committee shall appoint an Election Officer to issue voting papers to members attending the meeting, to arrange to collect the papers and to supervise the counting of the votes in the same room and at the same time as the meeting is taking place. If there are insufficient nominations to fill the positions of the three officers and at least four other committee members the Chairperson shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting to decide the future of the club.
1. FREQUENCY. There shall be at least one meeting every quarter.
2. QUORUM. At least half of the committee including two officers.
3. NOTICE of meetings for the year shall be circulated to the committee members, by the Secretary. Notice of changes or additional meetings to be notified to committee members in writing or verbally.
4. MINUTES of meetings shall be recorded by the Secretary and copies circulated to the committee members. Any decision minuted and approved shall be deemed to be the decision of the committee whether or not a vote was taken. Committee minutes shall be available to any club member on request.
5. VOTING where necessary shall be by a show of hands, and approved by a simple majority, the Chairperson having a casting vote. A committee member may ask for a vote to be taken on any matter and that their vote be minuted.
1. THE COMMITTEE. To ensure that the objectives of the club, which are to provide the facilities and organization for members to enjoy healthy exercise, sport and social recreation, are maintained.
2. CHAIRPERSON. To ensure appropriate management, organization and administration of the club. To chair all club meetings, unless (s)he delegates this to another committee member.
3. SECRETARY. To advise members of forthcoming meetings, arrange accommodation for the meetings, and record and distribute minutes. Act as liaison with the management of River Park Leisure Centre, its successor at Winchester Leisure Parkand any other clubs or bodies. Deal with club correspondence.
4. TREASURER. To maintain an adequate record of club finances, administer cash and bank details, produce financial accounts of the club’s financial year, and, after independent scrutiny and approval by the committee, and arrange presentation of the accounts to the members at the Annual General Meeting. Arrange appropriate insurance.
5. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer, as the officers of the club have collective authority to decide any urgent matter occurring between meetings.
6. EIGHT COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Each member to have responsibility for one or more of the regular activities of the club. They will ensure that the activity for which they have responsibility has adequate equipment, runs smoothly, and that all new members are made welcome and given help and encouragement. They are not expected to attend every club session or to spend their time exclusively in the activity for which they are responsible. They may delegate their responsibilities to another member in their absence. They may arrange matches for club members in their activity within the club and with other over 50s clubs, but maintain the emphasis on health and fun rather than competitive sport.
7. EQUIPMENT. Committee members are responsible for ensuring that there are adequate supplies of equipment available for each activity.
8. GENERAL. Committee members are encouraged to circulate amongst the members and to offer them help and encouragement with the aim of promoting the health and fun activities of the club.
1. If the committee of the club decide that it is necessary to dissolve the club it shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting giving 28 days notice to members by notice on the club’s website.
2. A resolution to dissolve the club must be passed by a two-thirds majority of members attending the meeting in order to be effective.
3. Once a resolution to dissolve the club is passed the club Committee must discharge all debts and liabilities and dispose of the remaining club assets by donation to local charities selected by the Committee.
4. A final financial report detailing the settlement of debts and distribution of donations must be made available to members on request.
NOVEMBER 2020[ revised 2023 ]
Timetable & Prices.
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